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Activities of SHAKTI

SHAKTI envisions a world where every individual will get access to their rights and entitlements that in turn will help them to bring discernible changes in their lives. All our activities are inspired by the spirit of ‘dignity for all’.


SHAKTI believes in the words of Swami Vivekananda, “Education is the manifestation of perfection already in men”. We believe that the function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education. Shakti aims at working with all stakeholders of education in our society and facilitate the process of creation of an enabling environment where everybody gets opportunity to grow till the full potential.

  1. SHAKTI initiated a programme named “The Techno-Logic”. The objective is to enhance the capacity of the students, teachers and the guardians to understand the actual value of the digital media and use it safely. Please find the short introduction to that programme.
  2. SHAKTI organises regular workshops, seminars involving eminent persons from the field of education to talk on various contemporary issues related to education.
  3. SHAKTI provides support to the schools and educational institutions to conduct review of the teaching methodology to enhance the effectiveness of education. Our team of experts conducts orientation programmes on the following:
  4. Student’s capacity enhancement to take informed action towards a better future. Our aim is to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.
  5. Teacher’s support programmes to enhance the capacity of the teachers to impart quality education for children.
  6. Creating a platform for students, teachers and guardians to interact and facilitate a process of effective education.

Health, Hygiene and Nutrition

Good health is essential to human happiness and well- being. It also makes an important contribution to economic progress, as healthy people live longer, are more productive, and contribute more towards the development of the society. However, access to quality health care are not available to everyone.

Towards creating a healthier society by popularizing preventive measures, SHAKTI organizes awareness programs on various issues of health and hygiene. For this purpose, the key activities conducted are as follows:

  1. Organising programmes on child and mother health, nutrition.
  2. Organising awareness generation events at rural and urban areas on various aspects related to health and hygiene. Medical practitioners and experts conduct the sessions and provide correct and necessary information.
  3. In order to motivate the community members to practice healthy practices related to nutrition, various sensitisation events are organised and practical trainings on mushroom cultivation, floriculture and piscicultureare being conducted. The objective remains at enhancing the life and livelihoods of the people at distress so that the poor families can improve their nutrition.

Capacity building for youth and women in rural and urban areas

SHAKTI undertakes initiative to empower underprivileged youth from marginalized section of the society through skill development training. Further, SHAKTI tries to support the youth and women to increase their employment opportunities by enhancing their educational and interpersonal skills. The key activities conducted are as follows:

  1. Conducting Human Resource Development Programmes.
  2. Organising awareness programmes on area specific availability of resources and motivation towards self-employment.
  3. Developing and/ or nurturing Self Help Groups (SHGs) for women to facilitate the upliftment of their socio- economic profile and help the groups to create their capital base.
  4. Organising entrepreneurship development for youth and women.
  5. Organising trainings on Micro Finance, maintenance of books of accounts, credit development, banking norms.

Women empowerment

All activities by SHAKTI are tuned to the goal of ensuring gender equity in all spheres of life.

Gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls is not only one of the SDGs but is also critical to achieving all 17 of the goals. SHAKTI works in coordination with all the stakeholders of development, including the government and private sector partners to ensure the introduction and practice of gender focused development process.

SHAKTI has the experience and expertise of planning and implementing community based projects on Training and Capacity Building of Women, SHG formation and strengthening, Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) through alternative livelihoods practices, Health Hygiene for women and adolescent girls, skill development of women and adolescent girls.

Career counselling and training for students

In the global skilling ecosystem, India holds a distinct place today. But unfortunately a large part of the conventionally educated youth need skilling or reskilling to be future employable. SHAKTI works in collaboration with various stakeholders of development to plan and impart context specific programmes on capacity development of young students and budding professionals.

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