About Us

About Us

As we all know, the greatest results in life are usually attained by simple means, and the exercise of ordinary qualities. The common life of everyday, with cares, necessities and duties, affords us ample opportunity for acquiring experience of the best kind. The most beaten paths can provide the true worker with abundant scope for effort and room for improvement. All our endeavours at SHAKTI springs out from this spirit of doing things by adding value to the day- to day and so called ordinary means and achieving greater results through simple means.

Society for Human Aptitude Knowledge Training and Implementation (SHAKTI) is a registered trust that strives for ensuring holistic development by empowering the people from the poorest and marginalized section of the society. SHAKTI envisions a world where every individual will get access to their rights and entitlements that in turn will help them to bring discernible changes in their lives.

Initiation of journey of SHAKTI could be traced back to a prolific discussion and soul searching by a group of dedicated and responsible citizens who wanted to bring some tangible changes in lives of poor and underprivileged people. During the past several years, SHAKTI has done quite an outstanding works in the areas of women empowerment, awareness generation on various issues such as health & hygiene, sanitation, education, income generation, SHG and microfinance, alternative livelihoods and entrepreneurship development for women and youth.

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